um i forgot
went downtown and my shoe exploded. goddamn it. some fools showed up and i didnt kno them. so i went to wescott street to kill time til nolan and jay got there.

tom was there visiting syracuse from new orleans. neat.

t-boz was there killin it

coco the muppet was killin it too. shes not tired, shes bored. you're boring.

sandworm was killin it. she was too busy to let me in so sean had to.

i forgot what happened here
i thnk i woke chilson up by callin him so he was all out of it and shit. so we skated down to the store to get coffee. i didnt go to get coffee, me and tom chilled at the sketchy bench in front of abdo's grocery. what a miserable man. him and his family. and his dog.

it looked better than any body else like years younger than him so suck on that bitch
and we sat on the bench where people on long boards usually sit. we're taking that shit back fool! and uhh then we saw some kid who had a car, but shouldn't seeing that he's a sketchy heroin dude. i think he was the dude that travels in between rochester, syracuse, buffalo, and binghampton. i forgot his name but he looks like an outdated raver/hip hop guy and shit put together. sorry brah.
and uhh i got a 40 i never heard of, arizona iced tea, and hot and spicy cheetos for dinner from abdos and proceeded to drink and smoke weed to pass the time with discussion. what a life!
then uh i went downtown to meet jay and nolan

backtailin and shit

actin a fool!
and then we filmed an shit. i still felt goofy because i had seans old shoes, a new board, and weed and booz in my system, but i still put a few tricks down the fountain. night footage bitch.

and then jay started to film nolan doin a line beacuse i couldn't do it well because i was goofy footed and i was riding backwards filming. shitty. so uhh jay filmed, but he hit one of those retarded fountain things and sent the vx flying.
the vx is okay
peace bitch