Sunday, May 31, 2009

Sunday, May 31

so, shit man. tight. back in syracuse.

this is jay before he hit me in the head with his skateboard

jay emert bs tail
this is jay while he is backside tailsliding
i make the colors all stupid
but its all good
because i shot raw

peace bitch!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Sunday, May 17,2009

shit i wrote sunday may 17 before, but uhh i must have seen the wrong ddate.
uhh so i went and tony was doin sw heels over the barrier and derek was doin shit and so was tom and fuckin i saw pat and brandon and b grizzle and nolan and shit and shit and blah and fuckin whatever

nosebonk tailgrab

derek kickflip

crazy catch

yeee son



Saturday, May 16, 2009

friday may 15 2009

since when did the everson become a skate spot again?
young kids and people i never seen. some are cool some are annoying but i dont really care unless youre not completely obnoxious or skating the shit you shouldnt in the day time like the statues or anything on the everson. you can do it, but i'd rather you not while the museum is still open. they hate us enough. whatever. i hate everybody.

there were mad people. and uhh some fool on a tricle came down. he was homeless and drunk and fucked up and incoherent and wouldnt leave. herb stole his booz. awesome. nate stitched his tricycle. is skitch the right word? or did it just get populaar through tony hawk pro skater? but he was drunk an shit and fell off curbs

i helped him back up and he wanted to give me knucks or whatever you call it

when i was editing this photo i thought of 90's hip hop so i dont kow man

he was fuckin shit up on a filmer board. the gddamn thing weighed like 10 pounds and was like a foot wide.

not to mention it wasn't even really skateable

drop in!

again. what the fuck. one of them he made eyecontact, but i didnt shoot it cause i suck.

he always had good tre bombs

...but this one exxxxxxploded

this dude tre flipped it. i think everybody was goin for it that day.

then i skated cause i got bored with shootin photos. and it eventually got dark.

check out pat's board
killah season

dipset bitch. reminds me of beefaroni

i made him do tricks down the 3 block

damn look at that catch

damn. again with the fimler board.

i don kno what is this shit like 10 feet?


keith filmin nolan



soon to be everybody's favorite picture

then uh i got a few things and shit and shit an shit then the camera light died

so DSC_0246
this thing is awkward

ollie out to noseslide

olli out to crooks

im tired

peace bitch

Thursday May 14 2009


um i forgot

went downtown and my shoe exploded. goddamn it. some fools showed up and i didnt kno them. so i went to wescott street to kill time til nolan and jay got there.

tom was there visiting syracuse from new orleans. neat.

t-boz was there killin it

coco the muppet was killin it too. shes not tired, shes bored. you're boring.

sandworm was killin it. she was too busy to let me in so sean had to.

i forgot what happened here

i thnk i woke chilson up by callin him so he was all out of it and shit. so we skated down to the store to get coffee. i didnt go to get coffee, me and tom chilled at the sketchy bench in front of abdo's grocery. what a miserable man. him and his family. and his dog.


it looked better than any body else like years younger than him so suck on that bitch

and we sat on the bench where people on long boards usually sit. we're taking that shit back fool! and uhh then we saw some kid who had a car, but shouldn't seeing that he's a sketchy heroin dude. i think he was the dude that travels in between rochester, syracuse, buffalo, and binghampton. i forgot his name but he looks like an outdated raver/hip hop guy and shit put together. sorry brah.

and uhh i got a 40 i never heard of, arizona iced tea, and hot and spicy cheetos for dinner from abdos and proceeded to drink and smoke weed to pass the time with discussion. what a life!

then uh i went downtown to meet jay and nolan

backtailin and shit

actin a fool!

and then we filmed an shit. i still felt goofy because i had seans old shoes, a new board, and weed and booz in my system, but i still put a few tricks down the fountain. night footage bitch.

and then jay started to film nolan doin a line beacuse i couldn't do it well because i was goofy footed and i was riding backwards filming. shitty. so uhh jay filmed, but he hit one of those retarded fountain things and sent the vx flying.

the vx is okay


peace bitch

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Wednesday May 13 2009

uhh i went downtown by myself today. didnt even see the security gaurds. but that don't mean shit. stay the fuck out of EVS. that means you.

some homies rolled through and pat ollied the big 4 into the fountain. when he fell, it didnt look like it was down a big gap. it was kind of fucked. but he did some other good shit. i clapped my hands in enjoyment.

umm he was doing a line. actually 2. and shit, he had no problem tre flippin up the curb. im impressed but maybe its beacuse im a bitch. over crook?

pretty much the same fucking photo

like whatever

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Oh shit the fountain was drained. i missed it the day before and nolan jay and keith got footage and i wasnt there to document it. i been shootin bad photos for the past year anyway. i give up. i might as well have a point and shoot. not really, but fuck, theyre not good. so shit uhh.

nolan filmin another hot banger

keith the ripper for the double angle

after falling and rolling

what the fuck could this be?

oooooo shit!

thanks jayson emert!

oh and jay can kickflip this in a beautiful manner over and over and over again. another tre flip. how many tre flips do you do? its like you do this shit down this gap every year.

i didnt get shit. damn. more and more throwaway footage!
peace bitch

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Monday, May 11, 2009

fucking shit. went to ithaca to see avi and

fuck i think i just heard lil weezy say "my celery up in her bleu cheese"


but me and colton went to ithaca to see avi and nick and shit and skate the park. there were a million younger dudes i neverseen. well fuck i havent been there in like a year. i probably make it once a year, but whatever you kno. they were getting good. good look to the kid who frontside flipped the cone. one of the kids was a shithead though. go skate to urban outfitters. i dont realy care if i hate younger kids, i mean cause like older peple used to hate me and probably still do. but whatever, we skated all day and uhh met up with nick and avi and ben and mike and andrew to go to a rail at a museum in cornell to watch mike marks beat the piss out of it in darkness.

see? its dark.

front boartd


nosegrind. i kept on botherin him with the flash so im sorry.

ghostridin' front feebs

then i was like fuck it. its too dark and i dont think the photos were that great so i quit right before mike bs 180 nosegrinded the rail in like 3 tries for booz. it usutally takes me cash to land tricks. then i dont even get them. hes a winner.
then we went to some gasstation for food and then to nicks crib. i seen that footage. holy fuck. i seen that edit. holy fuck. very impressive. so uhh we stayed til 1230 when i wanted to drive back to cuse. colton booted on the highway and it covered the full right side of the car. fuck. some of it got inside of the car and it hit me. fuck. that sucked. so i had to get it washed twice before i went home.

car washes are fun


peace bitch