went downtown to meet nolan an shit cuz we didnt go to the other spots the day before cuz it was like windy and shit ad dark and raining and like 10 at night. and then stevie rah showed up and i guess we went to some spots.
this place sucks
nolan got the tailslide and it was like the only manuver done there
and then we went to some place on james street and it was awkward. it was a downhill roll in to downhill pop over a rail to skinny cracked sidewalk so i guess its east and hood and difficult and all those things make you a G.
hes gettin over the rail and shit
and this one he landed but its awful. goddamn the sun. i gave up and started filming instead.
then i went home to make my ma mothra's day dinner. and then i went out to the south side at castle rockmore to see some music. fuck me man cause it was a good show by the sounds of it. im sorry but the only bands i remember were jefferson planecrash and oak and bone. i caught the last few songs of oak and bone and it was fucking awesome. i feel nervous with a big crowd up there with few people i know. i stick out and look awkward with a fitted and a camera. i didnt want to turn the flash on because i assume it pisses everybody off. if its like suzy wong and the honkeys, i'll go buckwild with the camera and so will everybody else, cuse its like a fun band.
i tried to get all artsy with it but i failed miserably
i was talkin to pat in the dark, and had no idea he had a black eye until i turned the flash on and looked at the photo
i wish i shot film
people carrying amps and shit down the stairs
greg's room
greg and his new tee shirt. god i hate gunther
this is gunther
again, i wish i shot film. i like this, but i hate the thermostat...
...so i had to shoot again, but she changed facial expressions
. i got a tour of the house again. like i havent been there a million times already, but theyre making a dark room in the basement. fucking awesome. really inspirational. and then i chilled for a minute and shit before trying to skate downtown and go home.
went to brush my teeth and found this
hobo kills it
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