fuck i think i just heard lil weezy say "my celery up in her bleu cheese"
but me and colton went to ithaca to see avi and nick and shit and skate the park. there were a million younger dudes i neverseen. well fuck i havent been there in like a year. i probably make it once a year, but whatever you kno. they were getting good. good look to the kid who frontside flipped the cone. one of the kids was a shithead though. go skate to urban outfitters. i dont realy care if i hate younger kids, i mean cause like older peple used to hate me and probably still do. but whatever, we skated all day and uhh met up with nick and avi and ben and mike and andrew to go to a rail at a museum in cornell to watch mike marks beat the piss out of it in darkness.
see? its dark.
front boartd
nosegrind. i kept on botherin him with the flash so im sorry.
ghostridin' front feebs
then i was like fuck it. its too dark and i dont think the photos were that great so i quit right before mike bs 180 nosegrinded the rail in like 3 tries for booz. it usutally takes me cash to land tricks. then i dont even get them. hes a winner.
then we went to some gasstation for food and then to nicks crib. i seen that footage. holy fuck. i seen that edit. holy fuck. very impressive. so uhh we stayed til 1230 when i wanted to drive back to cuse. colton booted on the highway and it covered the full right side of the car. fuck. some of it got inside of the car and it hit me. fuck. that sucked. so i had to get it washed twice before i went home.
car washes are fun
peace bitch
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